Wet and Wild

Entering grades 7-9 - Join us for an off-site adventure!  Note times are different than regular programs. Note - this week is full. View

Agape serve SOS Camp

Spend your week serving our campers with special needs, this is one amazing week!    (14 years old to adult, free, volunteer experience) View

SOS (Sharing Our Services) Camp

SOS camp is open to people of all ages with developmental and /or physical special needs. View

Wisconsin Servant Trip

Jr./Sr. High (must have completed 7th grade)  Travel with us to Racine, WI to serve our Wisconsin neighbors in a variety of settings.  A day trip to Chicago or Milwaukee is also part of the experience.  Sign up with your youth group today! View

Wet and Wild

Entering grades 7-9 - Join us for an off-site adventure!  Note times are different than regular programs. Note - this week is full. View

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