Outdoor School Programs

An Environmental Education Event

Environmental Education Programs & Field Trips

Ever looked at the world from a bug’s eye view using a magnifying glass? Use a microscope to investigate who lives in the soil? Our outdoor environmental education programs for classrooms are a fun way to incorporate science skills and outdoor fun into your class’s day!

Choose from a variety of programs tailored to meet your classroom objectives and interests! We offer environmental education experiences including live animal presentations, hands-on learning with naturalist tools, prairie ecology studies, and so much more. All class materials are provided by SELC, and brought to your school for your class!

All environmental education programs are run at the rate of $8.00/participant, plus mileage to and from your field trip site for off-site field trips. There are no fees for school/organization staff members. For homeschool groups, parents/guardians, as well as children under the age of 4, may attend for free. Call or email our Environmental Education Director, Katie Chapman, at 507-763-3567;ย katie@shetek.orgย for more information!ย ย (Different rates for snowshoeing/cross country skiing field trips.)


Bookings run throughout the school year, until Memorial Day Weekend. Holidays and other observed days off will not be available for booking.



Environmental Education Events

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