Toddlers and Trees

Does your little one like to play outside and explore? Bring your toddler to camp for our seasonal Toddlers and Trees events! Your child will enjoy outdoor discovery and adventure, […]

Octoberfest Retreat

An overnight retreat for 3-6th graders.  Come to camp with your friends for a fun overnight this fall!

Shetek Lutheran Ministries Women’s Retreat

A retreat for women of ALL ages.  Come to camp to be renewed in your faith, relax with other women in Christian community and spend time in God's beautiful creation! […]

Confirmation Retreat

Christ centered camp style experiences for confirmation youth and their guides, intended to enhance and partner with the confirmation ministry at your congregation.

Lutefisk Dinner

Our annual Lutefisk Dinner begins at 5:30 and you better sign up early because it fills up fast!

Winter Fun Day

Come to camp over your holiday break to be reminded of God's love and to have a blustery blast with winter camp activities like: Games, Arts and Crafts, Bible Time, […]

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