Shetek Master Plan + Campaign

Anchored in over 70 years of ministry,
building for the future!

We did it, with your help!!

We’ve met our Phase 1 goal of $1,500,000! But we continue to move forward. With the increased costs and delays, our budget for Phase 1 is not accurate anymore.  We will be working towards our challenge goal of $2,000,000 in order to complete more of the projects in our phase 1 plans. Thank you for your support so far!

Campaign Prospectus

To view our full “Building on the Foundation” prospectus, simply click on the button below.

Use the buttons below to view different plans and parts of our project. We’re proud to share how far we’ve come, while knowing there is further to go. Together.

Our Existing Site Plan

Phases of Site Improvements

Adult/Youth Lodge Plan

Duplex Cabin Floor Plan

Office & Infirmary Plan

Staff Housing Plans

New Retreat Center Plans

As of March 2023, we have received gifts/pledges of over $1,530,000 towards our challenge goal of $2,000,000!

View the lodge progress!

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